The Holiday Crazies


The holidays are often filled with joy and cheer but they frequently go by in a blur! One minute you’re getting ready for the start of school and the next thing you know Thanksgiving has come and gone and we are heading straight into December. This time can be overwhelming and steal some of the magic of the holiday season away. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, or any other holidays during this season it is important to take time to slow down and embrace the true meaning behind these special events.

Winter in Northern Michigan gifts us a unique opportunity to slow down and catch our breath after our busy tourist season. With Jack Frost whistling and blowing lots of snow and frost around, we often find comfort nestling into our homes with our loved ones and games or movies by a warm fire. This time of year many family traditions are embraced and come to light as the elders teach the younger generations things that will be passed on for many more years.

We are sharing some tips to help you experience the calm and coziness of this season and to help you avoid the holiday crazies!

Tips & Tricks:

Start shopping early. Many of the above mentioned holidays have some form of gift exchange. While we know all year this is coming, we often wait until after Thanksgiving to begin our shopping. A pro tip is using summer events like sidewalk sales to jump start your holiday shopping! We have so many wonderful shops and local entrepreneurs offering handmade goods that it is worth taking a stroll around our humble little town to search for the perfect gifts. Another idea is to gift experiences over material items. Consider a dinner gift certificate, concert tickets, a weekend get away as these are gifts that will create memories to last a lifetime! See a list of local gift ideas below!


Early shopping does not only apply to gifting but also to food prep! During the holidays the grocery stores can get overwhelmed with a high volume of customers. To avoid not getting items you would like or scrounging through the last few picked over items it is good to make a list ahead of time. You can start your shopping early on for items that are non perishable and then get your fresher produce closer to the holiday.


Another blessing of living in our area in the winter is the many winter sports we can take part in! One way to stay cheerful and entertained during the holidays is to embrace the outdoors! We have beautiful nature preserves and many groomed trails for cross country skiing and snowshoeing. We also have many ski resorts that offer discounted rates and days to our local residents. You may also be interested in trying ice fishing or snowmobiling! Winter hobbies are great to help us not just “get through” the winter but embrace all that it has to offer. Sledding is also a great family activity that will lead to many laughs and joy filled hearts. There are also skating rinks in Walloon Lake, Indian River, and Petoskey Winter Sport’s Park if you are wanting to test your stability on the ice.


On those extra chilly days when outdoor activities are limited due to cold you can pick up a puzzle or board/ card games to play. Frequently this time of year we have a puzzle started and keep our board games in close range. Who doesn’t love playing scrabble to the glow of holiday lights and a warm fire with a cup of cocoa or tea?! This also may be a good time to read a book as a family! When all else fails you can pop in a movie and cozy in under blankets to classics like It’s a Wonderful Life, The Grinch, and Elf!


Another option to consider is joining a team this winter! There are many options of leagues throughout the winter including bowling league or a trivia league! These are two social activities that are very common in the winter! You may also be interested in an indoor sport such as hockey, volleyball, or soccer which all have leagues going in the winter as well!


Cooking is wonderful activity during the holidays. This is a great opportunity to teach younger family members traditions. It’s also a great time to pull the family in to sit at the table and enjoy a meal together. Maybe you want to go through grandma’s recipes and have her show you what a “pinch of this” or a “scoop of that” means. Sometimes deciphering the coded recipes can be a challenge but learning hands on with a loved one is a great way to spend a chilly day! Or, if life is busy and you are working or spending a lot of time outdoors a crock pot is a wonderful tool to help you come home to a warm meal! There is nothing better than walking into your home after a long day to the smell of a delicious meal!

We hope that some of these ideas will resonate with you and help keep your holiday season and winter more enjoyable! Remember the reason behind this season and embrace the time with family and loved ones! :)

Emily Brown